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Ages: 11-13

Prices vary.
Location 1

Service Description

(Opti Advance / Race Team – 1st Mate / Skipper) Advanced speed and performance in Optis and Sunfish – sail-surfing, team racing, racing, long adventure sails. Jr. Commodore Cup expected: ​Intra Club Racing takes place every Wednesday 1:00-3:30 pm (sailors should arrive at 12:30 to rig).  If there is interest, we can compete in a regatta or two. At the Advanced level, we’ll encourage participation in HPYC Saturday Sunfish races, but emphasizing the FUN parts of racing rather than pushing the full-day regatta model. If COVID guidelines permit, we will travel to (or host) other yacht clubs weekly for added fun and competition. Boat Type(s): Optis. Sometimes in Sunfish and/or other boats.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel, please notify Jr. Sailing staff via the Jr. Sailing Inquiry Form.

Contact Details

  • Hyannis Port Yacht Club, 175 Irving Ave, Hyannis Port, MA 02647, USA

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